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choco almond butter banana bites

A healthy snack to make at home ;) Very easy and delicious! Tastes amazing with yogurt too!

I am obsessed with these bites these days! I‘ve been able to maintain a healthy diet because if this lovely snack that I made three days ago. It tastes absolutely amazing alone, though it can also be enjoyed with a couple scoops of ice cream or some yogurt! My fave breakfast at the moment is a bowl of Greek yogurt topped with two or three of these choco almond butter banana bites.

These have been my complete saviour during snack time as well, as I’d been eating chocolate bars or tons of heavy biscuits which was a habit that just had to stop. By alternating unhealthy snack options with these bananas, not only do I now have a healthier diet, but I’ve been feeling more confident and less anxious ever since I made these!

Now to the recipe:

Although the ingredients may be quite obvious, I’ll list them down below with some alternative options!

Ingredients (for around 12 bites):

  • two ripe bananas (make sure they are not too soft that they would be deformed)

  • almond butter (or any other type of nut butter)

  • 1 bar of dark chocolate for cooking (milk chocolate is also fine)

  • 1 cup of boiled water


  1. Peel the bananas and cut them to around 1cm each piece, then sort the slices into pairs.

  2. place a small amount of almond butter with a spoon on one slice of the banana out of each pair.

  3. Add the remaining slice on top of the almond butter so that it would make a sandwich.

  4. Break the dark chocolate bars into small pieces (so that it would melt fast), then put the pieces in a small bowl.

  5. Pour the boiling water into a medium bowl.

  6. Place the bowl with the chocolate (4) over the bowl with the boiling water (5).

  7. Slowly mix the chocolate as it melts, gently warming it up.

  8. When completely melted, dip one surface of each banana sandwich, then place them on a plate/tray afterwards.

  9. Leave the chocolate dipped banana slices in the fridge for around 10 minutes.

and enjoy your choco almond butter banana bites anytime!

Feeling good about making unhealthy decisions at times

Although I am sharing this recipe with you as a part of an alternate for heavier snacks, I don’t mean that you should stop eating foods that are considered as slightly unhealthier. I really mean this.

I’ve realised these days how much my mind is affected by what I eat. Especially during this time when we are staying at home as much as possible, I am more conscious of my diet since I’ve been exercising less. Every time I take a chocolate bar or a bag of crisps, I come up with negative images of myself. Then afterwards, I go to my room looking at the mirror for minutes, repeating to do this at least once every hour. I get completely paranoid as I make one unhealthy decision, and my mind will be filled with images of myself being fat, my face bloating, etc.

I think we all have these moments when we feel completely guilty about taking an extra intake of calories, but we shouldn’t. It may not sound as convincing right now since I’m actually still working on gaining this mindset, but the cookies and chocolates that you eat at times will not define you. As a matter of fact, a little delight once in a while is necessary to reward yourself! It is absolutely brilliant that we are aware of our health, but we should also make sure that we are not pressuring ourselves too much!

I hope I can post an entry about body image or the idea of being healthy soon, since I think this topic should be talked about in more detail, but meanwhile, enjoy this delicious little snack and see you all soon!


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